Stuck in a Cycle of Relationships That Go Nowhere?

 Feel like the Men You Attract Aren't Emotionally Available?

Longing for Deeper Connection but Afraid to Scare Him Away & Start Over?

Release the Anxiety & Relax into Love

 Introducing The Speak to His Heart Workshop
 Communication Tools to Open His Heart & Inspire His Commitment

🛒 💳 Get Instant Access to the Speak to His Heart Workshop for Only $77

While I could charge $1000's for these valuable teachings,
I don't want to discriminate against anyone who wants to better themselves. 
This $77 investment tells me that you're serious about making lasting change.
What do you have to lose?

Does any of this sound like you?

😭💔 "I feel like I'm giving so much, but he only gives bread crumbs in return. I'm overthinking everything and it's making me go crazy. Am I asking for too much?"

😭💔 "I feel like he never plans any dates or prioritizes me. Does he even want to be with me, or do I have to always do everything?"

😭💔 "I'm so anxious to bring up anything serious - it always just ends in a fight. Why can't we just figure things out like adults?"

😭💔 "I pour my heart out, and he shuts down. It makes me feel like he doesn't care about my feelings. What's the point? Are we doomed?"

😭💔 "I mentioned marriage / kids, and he freaked. Am I just wasting my time here? What are we even doing?"

😭💔 "He's always on his phone & never seems to want to connect.  I long for a night to just sit and talk deeply and feel emotionally supported. Is that too much to ask?"

😭💔 "Another 'not tonight,' and I'm questioning everything. Am I not attractive to him anymore? Is this the end?"

😭💔 "I saw him talking to her again, and I lost it. Now he's mad at me for not trusting him. How did we get here?"

No one ever teaches us how to have healthy relationships, & if you weren't raised with good role models, it's not your fault. 

You're not alone, & it doesn't have to be this way forever. 

Right now, you can choose to fix it. 

Don't let Poor Communication or Insecurities
Sabotage Something Good.

Your Path to a Healthier, Happier Relationship Starts Here

You've been on the dating treadmill for too long and you're tired. You just wish things would be EASY, & that you could have that deep heart connection instantly without all the mind games.

What if I told you that all the overthinking, second guessing, and emotional anxiety about "what this all means" could end?

What if you could turn those hot & cold moments and uncomfortable arguments into opportunities for deeper love, connection and intimacy? 

They absolutely can, and I'm here to help. 


The Speak to His Heart Workshop 

 Inspire your Man to Connect in a Way you've
Never Experienced Before

If you follow these workshop teachings,
here's exactly what will happen:

🥰 Feel Connected: Deep meaningful conversations on the couch snuggled in each other's arms sharing your deepest feelings

🥰 Feel Heard and Understood: Communicate in a way that makes both you and your man feel safe & seen.

🥰 Inspire His Commitment:  Open up the channel right to his heart so he can feel you - making him fall more deeply in love instantly.

🥰 No More Guesswork: The Speak to His Heart Workshop teaches you the exact framework of what to say (and when to say it) to avoid misunderstandings and get your needs met, every time.

🥰 Ignite Intimacy Stoke the fire within him to ignite passionate love making like you've both never felt before. 

FREE BONUS! The Beautiful Boundaries Journal: 

Your personalized guidebook to empower you to stand in your power & share your needs with grace & ease.

Get Immediate Access Now for $77

The Secret of Women in
Happy Relationships

Relationships can be easy and relaxing. Yes conflicts may arise, but they can be handled calmly with respect, poise and peace.

The secret is learning how to master your emotions and learn how to hold space for clear, loving, heart - based communication.

Women in happy relationships can speak directly to his heart and bypass the mind games & ego bullsh*t.

She knows how to make a man feel safe in her presence that naturally inspires him to want to open up & feel close.

Imagine being that woman—the one who turns every potential argument or frustrating moment about quality time or emotional availability into a moment of connection.

That's not magic; that's emotional intelligence. As soon as you learn it, you will feel the shift FAST.

Can This Actually Work?

Check out what just a few of the hundreds of women are saying after going through these materials:

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Transform your Relationship Now with the Speak to His Heart Workshop for just $77

Meet Teal Elisabeth

Teal Elisabeth, CEO & Founder of Relax Into Love Coaching, supports ambitious, high achieving women to fall back in love with themselves & manifest their desired relationship with joy and ease.

She is a Spiritual Love and Relationship Coach trained in the principles of Feminine Energy, NLP, & deep subconscious reprogramming.

She is happily married to her husband of 10 years, & just settled down to have a beautiful baby boy after traveling the world as nomadic entrepreneurs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Let's Get Started!

© 2017 Relax into Love LLC  |  The Speak to His Heart Workshop